- Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
- Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Italy, Italia, Italie
- Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: 1886-1969
- Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Car or similar, Mezzi a motore, Moyen motorisé
- Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
- Internet: Visit Website
- Multimedia: https://archive.org/details/roundworldinmoto00scar
- Wikidata: Visit Website
- Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Scarfoglio Antonio, Round the world in a motor-car, New York : M. Kennerley ; London : G. Richards, 1909
The starting signal will be given at noon from the offices of the Matin. All our nervous anxiety has disappeared, all the difficulties have vanished. At least the difficulties are still serious, but our minds have cast aside all doubt. We shall not think of to-morrow, of the future ; we shall simply go ahead.