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Il Museo del Viaggio e del Turismo, fondato nel 2016 come piattaforma digitale, si è evoluto in un importante museo virtuale, attirando oltre 642'185 visite dal 2016 al 2023. Il museo offre prospettive variegate sull'industria turistica attraverso contenuti curati, diventando una fonte preziosa di informazioni. Recentemente, il team si è concentrato sull'espansione del museo dallo spazio digitale a quello fisico, mirando a stabilire un'esperienza museale tangibile e invitando altri interessati a unirsi a questa proposta. [Maggiori informazioni]


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Top Travel museums
Midjourney image (rhpositive.net)

Top Travel museums

1. http://museodelviaggiorom.blogspot.com 

Museo del Viaggio Fabrizio De André
The Museo e centro di cultura rom is located in Milan, Italy. It focuses on Romani society and culture. 

2. http://www.verkehrshaus.ch 

Museum of Transport
The fascinating history of transport and its vehicles together with their socio-political effects on our culture are the key themes of the Swiss Museum of Transport. 

3. http://www.museedubagage.com 

Musée du Bagage
From April 2016 onwards, discover the new Luggage Museum: In this fully redesigned setting, take a journey through time with a selection of legendary trunks, all part of a unique collection in Europe. 

4. http://reiselivsmuseum.no 

The Norwegian Museum of Travel and Tourism
The Norwegian Museum of Travel and Tourism is responsible for documentation of tourism in Norway from 1800 to the present day.

5. http://www.mkvm.hu 

Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
The Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM)is the only dedicated museum of travel and tourism in the world and takes its collections focus from the regions of Hungary.

6. http://www.visittorun.pl/306,l2.html 

Tony Halik Travellers' Museum
The Tony Halik Travellers' Museum was established thanks to the explorer and collector passion of the couple of Polish great globetrotters - Elżbieta Dzikowska and Tony Halik.

7. http://www.museoviaggiatori.it 

Museo dei viaggiatori in Sicilia
The Museum of Travellers in Sicily was set up by those aware of the importance of the high cultural value and is unique in the context of promoting the heritage, artistry and landscape of Sicily, in particular, the Ibleo region.