Summerfield Jonathan (w2662)

Summerfield Jonathan (w2662)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: Joff
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: UK, Inglese, Anglais
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Velocipede, Vélocipède
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Internet: Visit Website

An adventurer is ending a round-the-world journey on a penny farthing after being robbed at gunpoint in Ecuador. Joff Summerfield was camping at the side of a road when two men tied him up, threw his coat over his head and threatened him with a gun.

The 48-year-old Londoner said: "I thought I was going to be executed."

Mr Summerfield, who previously completed a two-year round-the-world trip in 2008, has abandoned his journey after travelling about 10,000 miles.

He set off on his latest trip from Toronto, Canada, 18 months ago. He was heading through South America when he was attacked on Friday.

Mr Summerfield was camping about 150 miles south of Ecuador's capital Quito when two men approached him.

After tying him up with a rope, they threw his jacket over his head before the muzzle of the gun was pressed down above his ear.

The thieves took most of Mr Summerfield's belongings, including cash and cameras.

"I´m left with my Penny, pith, tent and sleeping bag," he said on his Facebook page.

"This isn´t adventurous or exciting, just terrifying.

"This anticipation is something I hope never to experience again, slow immeasurable seconds, waiting, time, the clock ticks."

Mr Summerfield praised the kindness of strangers who gave him shoes, food and money after the attack, but added: "My journey is now over and I´m heading home to take a deep breath, see my family and friends, and have a pint in an English pub."