Peking to Paris motor race (w2358)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: -
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Car or similar, Mezzi a motore, Moyen motorisé
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Various, Diversi, Différents
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Wikidata: Visit Website

There were no rules in the race, except that the first car to Paris would win the prize of a magnum of Mumm champagne. The race went without any assistance through countryside where there were no roads or roadmaps. For the race, camels carrying fuel left Peking and set up at stations along the route, to provide fuel for the racers. The race followed a telegraph route, so that the race was well covered in newspapers at the time. Each car had one journalist as a passenger, with the journalists sending stories from the telegraph stations regularly throughout the race.

Pennacchi Matteo (w2360)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Italy, Italia, Italie
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Various, Diversi, Différents
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Pennacchi M., Il grande sogno : il giro del mondo senza un soldo in tasca, Piemme, 1999.

Pennell Joseph (w2361)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: 1857-1926
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Bike, tricycle, Bicicletta, triciclo, Vélo, tricycle
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Europe, Europa
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Wikidata: Visit Website
  • Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Pennell J., Robins E., A Canterbury pilgrimage, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1885.

Penz Martin (w2362)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: -
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: -
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Unser Ziel und Zweck ist, Land und Volk kennen zu lernen

Pereira Tomas Carlos (w2363)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Argentina
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde

Si chiama Tomas Carlos Pereira, ha venticinque anni, 33'000 chilometri nelle gambe e la prospettiva di macinarne altrettanti.

Perez Alfred, Campagnolle William (w2364)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: -
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Le tour du monde - Globe troitting around the world. Un livre de voyage - Vous donnez ce que vous voulez.

Pernod M. (w2365)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: France, Francia
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Société de géographie: Touring-Club de France - Le globe-trotter M. Pernod amputé des deux jambes se propose de faire le tour du monde dans un délai de 4 ans, 1'800'000 kilomètres à parcourir pour la prime de 700'000 francs.

Pernot Jules (w2366)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: France, Francia
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde

Un mutilato di guerra compie il giro del mondo a piedi. L'aviatore francese Jules Pernot, amputato delle due gambe durante la guerra, è arrivato ieri a Vancouver, proveniente da Yokohama. Jules Pernot, che ha le due gambe di legno, compie il giro del mondo a piedi per vincere una scommessa.