Kreisels Ray (w2150)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: -
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: -
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Multimedia:

Kremer, Gladbach, Seharf (w2151)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Germany, Germania, Allemagne
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Rund um die Welt in 8 Jahren per Bobsleigh von Bern ab nach Italien: 1 Juli 1911, Rückreise über: Grossen St. Bernhard - Frankreich - Genf. Voyage autour du monde en 8 ans par bobsleigh, départ de Berne pour l'Italie: 1. juillet 1911, retour via: Grand St. Bernard - France - Genève

Krohn John Albert (w2153)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: Colonial Jack; Sailor Jean
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: 1873-1956
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: USA
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Krohn J. A., The walk of Colonial Jack: a story of a long distance walker, Printed by the Winchester Star, 1910. Hyder W. D., In His Shoes, The True Story of Sailor Jean and Colonial Jack, Numismatist, Gennaio 2008.
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Colonial Jack is walking and pushing his sphinx around the border of the United States, a distance of 9,000 miles, in 400 days (except sundays), starting from Portland, Me, June 1, 1908, and ending in Porland, Me.

J. A. Krohan of Glen Grove, Minn, who calls himself "Colonial Jack" is on his way from Portland, Me, to Portland Ore and proposes to keep as well as he can along the border line of the republic. He is off on a 9,000 mile walk, his longest tramp although he has made many very long trips afoot and likes that form of exercise and amusement very much.

Krom Harry (w2154)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: USA
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: Walking from Portland, Maine, to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 5'000 Miles. We started walking January 1st 1913. We lost our baby, home and belongings in the fire. We are trying to get home to the West for the benefit of my wife's health. We had no insurance

Kron Carl M. (w2155)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: USA
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: USA
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: The hikers, walking 10,000 miles from Santa Cruz, cal., to Atlantic City, N. J., and return. World's champion long distance walkers, holders of world's record for 100 miles, time 21 hrs. and 56 min.

Boston Lads start on Cross Continent Tramp. Young Men to Set Out From Los Angeles on Wager.

Kron Karl (w2156)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: -
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Bike, tricycle, Bicicletta, triciclo, Vélo, tricycle
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: -
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Kron K., Ten thousand miles on a bicycle, Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg, 1887.

This is a book of American roads, for men who travel on the bicycle. Its  ideal is that of a gazetteer, a dictionary, a cyclopaedia, a statistical guide, a thesaurus of facts. The elaborateness of its indexing shows that it is designed less for reading than for reference, — less for amusement than for instruction, — and debars any one from objecting to the multiplicity of its details.

Kropp Gorän (w3102)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Swede, Svezia, Suède
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: 1966-2002
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: Bike, tricycle, Bicicletta, triciclo, Vélo, tricycle
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Europe, Europa, Asia
  • Internet: Visit Website
  • Wikidata: Visit Website
  • Additional references-Riferimenti complementari-Références complémentaires: Kropp Göran, Ultimate High: My Everest Odyssey. Discovery Books, 1999

Kröttlinger (w2158)

  • Alias-Pseudonimo-Pseudonyme: -
  • Nationality-Nazionalità-Nationalité: Austria
  • Birth/death-Nascita/morte-Naissance/mort: -
  • Means of transport-Mezzo di trasporto-Moyen de transport: On foot, A piedi, A pied
  • Geographical description-Riferimento geografico-Référence géographique: Around the World, Giro del mondo, Tour du monde
  • Inscriptions-Iscrizioni-Inscriptions: 1926 Wir reisen zu Fuss um die Welt, Familie Kröttlinger aus Wien (ein Taubstummer)